Friday, March 5, 2010


Has decided to remove itself from my life, and not because I have anything useful to do, like studying, or writing a paper, no I've just fallen into a TON of bad habits which have resulted in a sleeping schedule that is pretty much fall asleep sometime after 3 and wake sometime around noon. Luckily I don't have any morning classes, but I know I would feel 100 times better if my sleeping schedule was fall asleep before 12 and wake up sometime between 8 and 9. Which is why when I register for classes tomorrow I'm hoping to have my classes start around 9 and be done by 2 everyday. I think this would work a lot better for me. I should sleep now, it's only 12, but I have to be up at 7 to register for classes, thanks ASU that's an awesome registration time (sarcasm). But at least tomorrow is one of the first days to register so even if I oversleep I should still be able to get the classes I want. I'm really excited for fall semester, I have a new major, and hopefully a new outlook on life. Goodnight blog.

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